Swords Under Distant Suns 2020 in Review

First off, I got 12 issues of The Greywater Chronicles completed, numbers 7 through 18. Pretty happy about that, and I feel the quality in craftsmanship got better as the story went on. This was right on the heels of the Shades’ Hollow game and comics, which finished up early last year. Some of the survivors from there showed up in the Greywater Chronicles. We’ll see where we go from here, but Aramaim did say she was coming for K’Tuuluu…

I got a lot of reviews done this year, of stuff old and new. The reviews have been among the most popular posts, as those of current books have been linked to a few times. I had hoped to have a review of The Best of Heroic Fantasy Quarterly number 2 up by now, but running a bit behind. Probably still a week or so out. I also received Tales From the Magician’s Skull number five, so something about that will show up later this month.

I got a pretty strong adventure for Dark City Games finished, Uprising! Playtesting revealed one thing that needs to be improved; I am working on that today, so the adventure should be out early next week.

Speaking of DCG, we had a conversation about having an iconic world. I created the city of Redpoint in one corner of the old Tyrin map, but I am thinking something a little different. I’ve created adventures all over the city and the Stormspeake Peninsula that it is set in. I had hoped others would contribute to a shared game world, but it never really panned out. I am creating a document today for George to look at; I’ll keep you posted on that.

My fiction writing was thin last year; as in, no stories completed. Gah. Lots of ideas, though, that I hope will be the basis for a strong fiction year. My goals: one novel, four stories. Again, we’ll see…

I got a lot of terrain painted this year. I have more than I will ever need now, and I am unlikely to get much more. A couple of specialty terrain things, and I may make a few pieces myself. I have an idea for Beholder corridors.

For a stretch, I was posting almost every day here. I enjoyed that. I’m not going to let myself get too sidetracked from the blog in the future. I’d like to maintain at least four posts a week here. Starting now!

OK, there might be a few other things I missed, but I think that is it from my fiction and gaming cult perspective.

I hope you all have a wonderful year!


Greywater Chronicles Issue 18

Getting back on track to the mid-month release date! So this will in all likelihood be the last issue of the year…but you never know! I do want to get the issue following this one played out and done, then take a little break while I play another grand adventure game, like Shades’ Hollow. That may even be a good time to see about converting all the issues into a big pdf, and put it on Amazon. Why not, eh? Except the first six issues are on a laptop that may be toasted…

Enough talk! Here we go!

Continue reading “Greywater Chronicles Issue 18”

The Greywater Chronicles Issue 17

There’s a lot of stuff going on in this one, even if the action is a little subdued. And I’m not sure that many of the threads managed to get tied up…this issue certainly sets the stage for big things to come, though! And there should be a couple of things to make you smile!

I am putting more Flow Aid and a little rubbing alcohol into that bottle of Ral Partha paint. Should have more info in a post tomorrow.

And then my weekly(ish) progress report after that…

But for now, enjoy some drama!

Continue reading “The Greywater Chronicles Issue 17”