Cool Stuff in the Mail

Gah! Two weeks since I posted! I am backsliding! And lazy!

OK, that’s enough self-flagelation.

Last year I supported the Dungeons and Lasers Kickstarter from Archon Studios, from Poland. They had both fantasy and sci-fi terrain. I have plenty of fantasy at this point, so I got their base $100 pledge for sci-fi. Been a while since I ran any sf game, but it is nice to have in case, and I can use it in the megadungeon, too, as either ruins of an earlier, more advanced civilization, or a Beholder complex, or some such.

In addition to the core set, they provided some extra rooms you could choose from. The Xenogenesis looked a lot like H.R. Geiger/Alien work, so I got three of those. They also included a lot of dressing and animal companions as stretch goals. Overall, I thought it was too much for the price, but I took a flyer anyway.

Expected delivery was June. Despite the world wide outbreak, despite their halting manufacturing at one point to make plastic masks for healthcare workers/first responders, and despite FedEx putting restrictions on their shipping, I got mine just days into July.

Well done, Archon.

I like the quality, too. All flat pieces that you assemble as needed, rather than tiles like Dwarven Forge, it might take a little longer to construct things, but big deal. The detail on the pieces looks pretty good, and the coverage is great for the price. A few pics:

OK, maybe just one picture. That took like three minutes to upload.

This is everything in the box. That is a lot of stuff! Maybe I’ll make the other other pictures into a comic, so I can post them using less pixels.

As far as painting, it will be a while before I get to them. I just finished a batch of Aztec tiles I got from the Lunes D’Argent kickstarter, and am working on some more of theirs. These should show up soon in the Greywater Chronicles. And, embarrassingly enough, I still have tiles from Dwarven Forge’s 5th and 6th Kickstarters to paint up. In addition, I should have some lava from their 6.66 Kickstarter showing up next month.

I officially Do Not Need Anymore Terrain! Tough to store it right now, I have so much. But it will be nice to have some sci-fi/Alien options.

Issue 14 of the GC should be up in the next week…

2 Replies to “Cool Stuff in the Mail”

  1. Thanks for letting us know. Darren Forge is nice, but super expensive.

    I’ll have to check this out.

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