The New Year, 2024 Edition

One of my problems is the breadth of my interests. The things that interest me have always pulled me in multiple directions. I focus on one interest for a while, then my love for something else pulls me in that direction.

Gaming has always been a passion. First lining up my old plastic Airfix soldiers and throwing pieces of plastic at them in crude IGOUGO contests, then slightly more sophisticated miniature gaming when I saw and was bought a copy of Wargamer’s Digest (May 1978 if I remember correctly). That lead to hex and counter games, and shortly after that the abstract world of Dungeons and Dragons and precise battles of Melee and Wizard.

These were all informed by my reading. World War 2 history and fantasy fiction being the prime interests here, with science fiction a close ally.

These have all remained lifelong passions for me.

Music is also a burning interest. Originally as a consumer, but I learned a little guitar and bass after college, and have been writing music ever since.

So it has always been hard for me to stay focused on a single topic. I love all of this, and more.

It will not get any easier from here on out. I am 57, and our time on this pale blue dot is limited. I have already experienced so much more life than the majority of humans. I am truly blessed to have the life I do.

But there is still a lot I want to accomplish, in fiction, gaming, and music.

The music will likely never be more than a corollary on this blog. Currently, I am making music that blends shoegaze and punk. I have made music with my best friend for nearly 30 years now, and hopefully that will continue.

I also want to do something with all of my Advanced Squad Leader materials. I am way behind on releases for the system. I want to get the Saint Mere Eglise and the Manila historical modules, and the last few Journals.

My project for ASL this year is going to be a solo campaign. Maybe one of the above modules, maybe break out Red Barricades and roll some dice in Stalingrad, maybe something else. There are still a few people around here who play the game, but not like 20 years ago when I was in the heart of a competitive group (the Tidewater ASL Gamers). Almost all of my gaming is solitaire now, so that is not a big deal, and the system is so cool, and I miss it. Maybe I will document that here, maybe not.

Regarding fantasy gaming, we will see. I have been in limbo with the Greywater Chronicles for a year and a half now, as the data on my dead hard drive lies fallow (and hopefully still able to be retrieved). Until I can afford to have it extracted, it will probably remain in limbo. I can still probably move forward, replaying issue 27 and creating the comic anew, and then use that as a jump off point. Maybe I should do that and try to bring the narrative to a conclusion.

Or I could go in a different direction. Create a new world and story line. This is very tempting. It would still be in a similar vein (i.e. lots of violence and a narrative that does not take itself too seriously). I’d hate to leave behind the characters I’ve created, but on the other hand I’ve always enjoyed creating new characters, for games or fiction.

One of these two paths will become clear in the next month – that is a self-imposed time limit. By the end of January, this bog will either have Greywater Chronicles #27, or X #1.

I also need to get back to my gaming company, Dark City Games. My partner has waited patiently for a couple of years now for me to produce something. We have a niche, programmed adventures. But honestly, I want to move beyond that now. Maybe we can innovate something similar for solitaire play. I recently acquired Five Leagues From the Borderland. The combat mechanics are not particularly impressive, but the narrative mechanics are. Maybe that can be a springboard to make something better.

As far as fiction, I have not written any sword and sorcery for quite a while. I have read very little recently. I think there are a few reasons for this, which I may or may not keep private. The problem with discussing anything in our polarized society is that it is all viewed through a political prism, no matter how innocuous. Suffice to say that while we are in a renaissance of sword and sorcery quantity-wise, I am not impressed with the quality. Maybe more later.

So as I stand on the ridge overlooking the approaching year, that is what I am bringing with me. A rather diverse assortment of interests. We’ll see what I can create with these tools.

May you all be blessed with the best year of your lives in 2024!


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