No Rest for the Wicked

Just a brief update, as it’s been over a month since I spewed insight across the Web…

My friend could not recover my old hard drive, so it is going to have to go to a professional recovery service, and that means a thousand bucks or more. It will still be a few months before I have that kind of disposable green stuff.

So that begs the question of whether I want to restage or even refight the events of Issue 27 and get it finally done (for those catching up, that issue was lost on my hard drive crash), and get the Greywater Chronicles moving forward again.

Time is an issue here (as it is for most people). I was pretty happy with the way the issue was turning out, and the battle was pretty cool. So I am inclined to put that theoretical time to redo the issue into a different one, either featuring those figures I recently was gifted, or maybe even doing an adventure for the Rat Bastards. It would be kinda cool to do an “At last! In their own comic!” blurb on the cover.

Reading has slowed down. I got bogged down through an issue of Magician’s Skull – not that the stories were bad, just not grabbing me. I have since received another issue of the mag, so I have some reading to catch up on. And the To Be Read pile is still pretty sizeable. See the Time reference above.

My music is hopefully taking a better turn. My bandmate and I just cannot get our schedules to line up, so I recently got a program to work on my computer (Studio One from PreSonus). Now we should be able to record our parts and send them back and forth, though I greatly prefer us recording together, as we tend to push and bring out better performances in each other. The learning curve is going to be pretty steep. Scott has the same program, however, so maybe we can get together and get me on track in the next couple of weeks.

A recent comment to an old post on this blog reminded me that I did not adequately follow up on my quest in reconstituting Ral Partha paints that had dried. I’d like to post on that, and try it with a few more paint pots. My Ral Partha Flesh was restored, and I do use it often again.

If only I did not have a job, I could get stuff done.

OK, time to go to work. I’m going to try to get back to posting at least once a week, even if it is only a bit of navel-gazing (now that I have lost 40 pounds, I can actually see it).

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday (for those who observe Turkey Day – we actually had Shabu-shabu and kim chi), and that you are all happy and healthy!


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