Out of the Darkness…

Lo, yon blog has lain fallow for many moons!

Many things have contributed to my lamented (or celebrated) absence from the web in general and this blog specifically for a while.The primary culprits are my job and a total hard drive crash back in July.

My job is a late shift but the time off before I go in is not like time off after work. I cannot relax and focus on cool projects, as was possible when coming home after work with 6 hours or so until bedtime.

Yeah, yeah, first world problems.

The hard drive crash had a more seriously impact on posting, of course, as it rendered doing so impossible. I lost a tremendous amount of data, and have still not decided how I am going to recover it. All of the companies that perform data recovery are incredibly expensive. I understand why, but it doesn’t make it any more doable at the moment.

Beyond the personal stuff lost was most of the Greywater Chronicles data. I do have the raw data from the first 10 issues, but 11-26 and 27 (which was just about done after a long break from gaming) was lost. Backing up data is essential, and I failed to do it.

I have thought about redoing issue 27, but there was a great (and heart-breaking) battle, and it would be tough to re-play or re-stage it. Some good scenes were lost, too.

So I need to recover the data. The most likely company, SalvageData, gave an initial quote of between 700 and 2000 dollars. They’ll give an exact quote when I mail the hard drive to them. It will be a while before I have that extra money, so it will likely be some time until Greywater resumes.

Also, much of the fiction I have read lately has been uninspiring, or good but marred by other things, and i just haven’t felt like writing about it. I won’t go into it right now. I just recently got my copy of the most recent Tales From The Magician’s Skull, and it has some good stuff. I’ll do a review in another week or so.

As far as writing fiction, I have a pretty strong idea for a novel in a unique setting, but am dealing with some lethargy and lack of time. I am working on my music, as well, and that takes up a chunk of my essence. There just isn’t enough time, so you have to make do with what you have.

That will include a return to semi-regular posting. I did receive a pretty cool bounty recently in the form of a stash of a couple of hundred figures from some dude who had been gaming in the mid-2000’s. His mother was cleaning out the house and gave them to a friend of mine, who passed them onto me. Most are sci fi figs, with a scattering of fantasy, and they are mostly 32mm rather than my 25mm scale, but maybe I’ll start a Sword & Blaster comic with them. Something to stretch my creative juices in story-telling again.

I’ve rambled long enough without a true point. This post is just to say that I am coming back to more regular (and hopefully more coherent) posting.

I hope you’ve all been well! Talk to you soon.

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