End Racism – All Of It

So Jeannette Ng’s Hugo acceptance speech has generated a lot of controversy, but mostly support for her standard-issue hate against White Males, which is deeply ingrained in not just some political factions, but academia and (sadly) the Science Fiction community.

Here is a brief article containing some thoughts I largely agree with:


To add a little bit:

We continue to judge people in the past by today’s standards. Fair enough – Campbell was a racist. We should be able to move on.

But should we not then judge today’s people by tomorrow’s standards? Ng would certainly be racist, then. She should be judged so today, but the double standard applied currently – a mirror of the double standard in Campbell’s time – prevents that truth from being told, and accepted.

Her tired, retread hatred of white men, all painted as a single monolithic entity, has become the vile norm.

Had she felt otherwise, she would not have phrased it thus in the brief time she had. But she was speaking to the like-minded in the audience, and much of the community.

The irony is astounding, but the perpetrators are as blind to the truth of themselves as people were a hundred years ago.

I know the title to this post is naive – it will never end. It is only picking up steam.

3 Replies to “End Racism – All Of It”

  1. History is a record. Vinyl spinning on a turn-table while the needle slowly spirals toward the inevitable conclusion. The music played is complex and melodic. Despite it’s repetitious nature, the melody avoids monotony by having different instruments play the notes over the course of the composition. Having nothing printed on it’s label, i refer to the record as The Wheel of Power. If anyone could stop the wheel, I would write that in dark blue or red ink.

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