New Kickstarter Campaign for Tales From the Magician’s Skull

Been a while since I posted. Since I started my new job last year, free time has been minimal, and my mental powers have been low. Writing has not been happening, and even my reading has fallen off a cliff. I have a couple of books waiting to be devoured right now. What time I do have has been dominated by music, so not a total loss, but I need to get back into Swords and Sorcery!

So the new Kickstarter for Tales From the Magician’s Skull is timely. I have mixed feelings about Kickstarter as a vehicle, but the publisher Goodman Games uses it extensively. I will definitely be picking up a subscription. Not sure if I’ll get the shirt – it kinda stinks that you have to pay more for it if you are getting the subscription, than if you were just getting the shirt by itself ($30 vs $25). Maybe I am missing something there? Edit: D’oh! The extra 5 bucks on the shirt is shipping. So much for my vaunted reading skills!

But I definitely will not be missing the magazine! I am a big fan of it and the editor, Howard Andrew Jones. I was not crazy about all of the stories, but all of the writing is top notch and the sum is greater than the parts.

If you are an S&S fan, you probably already subscribed! If not, check it out!

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